How to Manage Your Asthma This SpringMar 13, 2025Spring is just around the corner, and it's exciting for many people – unless you have asthma. Read on to learn how to stay ahead of asthma symptoms as flowers bloom and allergies are in full swing to avoid dangerous attacks.Continue reading →
Signs of a Serious Nosebleed: When to Go to The DoctorFeb 05, 2025Nosebleeds are a nuisance, but they typically resolve independently. What if it doesn't? Learn more about signs of a severe nosebleed and when to consider heading to urgent care for treatment.Continue reading →
Can I Have a Broken Bone Without Feeling It?Jan 10, 2025Most people think they'll know if they break a bone – but that's not always the case with certain conditions. Find out more about bone fractures, how to spot one, and what symptoms may signal a broken bone even without pain.Continue reading →
How to Stay Healthy Through the Holiday SeasonDec 11, 2024The holidays are creeping closer and closer every day, but so is the cold and flu season. Nobody wants to be sick during the best time of year, so keep reading to learn tips and tricks to stay healthy throughout the busy holidays this year. Continue reading →
Flu Season is Here: 7 Tips to Keep You and Your Family HealthyNov 05, 2024Winter is just around the corner, meaning flu season is here. Staying healthy is essential in preventing severe illness and keeping your family safe. Read on to learn tips and tricks that keep you healthy all flu season long.Continue reading →
Is Your Teen Trying Out for a Team This Fall? Schedule Their Sports Physical TodayOct 12, 2024Sports season is here, and if your teen is trying out for a sport, they need a physical to ensure they're healthy enough to play. Keep reading to learn more about sports physicals and the benefits of having your teen schedule one today.Continue reading →
Everything You Need to Know About Your Immigration PhysicalSep 04, 2024When you're finally ready to become a United States citizen, you must undergo an immigration physical – but what does that entail? Read on to learn more about the immigration physical and how to prepare to become a US citizen.Continue reading →
Myths and Facts About STIs: Here’s The Real DealAug 09, 2024Sexually transmitted diseases, more commonly known as STIs, are prevalent but can be detrimental to your health. Keep reading to learn what's true about STIs and myths you shouldn't believe to keep your sexual health in check. Continue reading →
Why Patients With Diabetes Should Always Have Their Wounds Treated by a Medical ProfessionalJul 15, 2024Diabetes affects various aspects of your health – including wounds. Without proper care, these wounds become a significant issue. Keep reading to learn why people with diabetes require special wound care to prevent dangerous complications.Continue reading →
How to Tell if a Wound is Healing or InfectedJun 12, 2024Wounds are painful and range in severity, and they often take a little time to heal – but it's essential to know if your wound is infected. Read on to discover how to tell if your wound is healing appropriately or if you have an infection brewing. Continue reading →
Understanding the 7 Types of WoundsMay 14, 2024Different types of injuries can lead to wounds, some of which can become serious and infected if you're not careful. Keep reading to discover more about the seven main types of wounds and why wound care is essential.Continue reading →
How to Know If Your Wound Requires Medical AttentionApr 03, 2024Wounds come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from mild and treatable at home to severe, needing expert care. Keep reading to learn when to seek help for a wound to prevent complications and infections from taking hold of your body. Continue reading →
How to Prepare for Your DOT PhysicalMar 02, 2024If you drive a commercial vehicle or have your CDL, chances are, you need a DOT physical – but how do you prepare? Read on to discover more about the DOT physical and what preparation steps you should take before the exam.Continue reading →
When to Seek Medical Treatment for a Persistent CoughFeb 02, 2024You can baby your cough at home by drinking fluids, taking over-the-counter medication, and adding moisture to the air. But if your cough persists beyond three weeks or is accompanied by concerning symptoms, you may need professional help. Read on to learnContinue reading →
Stay on Top of Your Health This Year With an Annual PhysicalJan 12, 2024There are various ways to take control of your health, including scheduling your annual physical. Keep reading to learn more about how an annual physical exam is one of the best ways to stay on top of your health and well-being.Continue reading →
5 Reasons to Seek Urgent CareDec 14, 2023It's sometimes difficult to decide whether to go to the emergency room or head to your local urgent care when you're injured or sick. Keep reading to learn about five primary reasons to seek urgent care rather than your doctor or the ER.Continue reading →
Traveling Abroad This Holiday Season? Make Sure You Have the Necessary VaccinesNov 10, 2023The holidays are just around the corner, and you may be planning a trip abroad to see family and friends – but do you have the necessary vaccines? Read on to discover more about vaccines and what you need for traveling over the holidays. Continue reading →
Get Ahead of Flu Season with Your Vaccine and Our Expert TipsOct 03, 2023With flu season right around the corner, you must keep your body healthy to avoid winter illness. Keep reading to learn more about the flu vaccine and other ways to fight off the influenza virus on your own.Continue reading →
The Importance of Back to School Sports Physicals for Student AthletesSep 06, 2023Going back to school is a big deal, especially for kids involved in sports. Physicals are required to ensure your child’s health during sports. Keep reading to discover why sports physicals are so vital to your student-athlete's health and wellness.Continue reading →
STD Cases Continue to Rise: Who Should Get Tested and When?Aug 04, 2023 Sexually transmitted diseases are common, and in recent years, they’ve been spreading rapidly. Here’s how screening can help with diagnosis and early treatment — and how to tell if you need to be tested.Continue reading →
When to Seek Medical Help for Earwax BuildupFeb 04, 2022Earwax, that sticky, yellow substance you swipe out of your ears now and then, protects your ears from dust, dirt, and debris. These foreign particles stick to the wax, and the gooey material ushers them back out before they make their way into your inner Continue reading →
What to Do When You’ve Been Injured on the JobFeb 04, 2022Nonfatal workplace accidents are some of the most common causes of injuries. In fact, nearly three million people get injured on the job every year.Continue reading →
How to Tell When a Cut Needs StitchesFeb 04, 2022Whether your knife slipped while you were chopping an onion, or you slipped while walking to the mailbox, any type of traumatic blow, especially if a sharp object is involved, can cause a skin laceration — the medical term for a cut.Continue reading →
When Does a Fever Warrant a Trip to Urgent Care?Feb 04, 2022Most minor illnesses can be handled at home with rest, proper hydration, and over-the-counter medications when necessary. But fever tends to be a deal breaker for most people, and they instinctively rush to the doctor.Continue reading →
How an On-Site Pharmacy Can Help You Take Your MedicineFeb 04, 2022Researchers, scientists, and physicians have made some amazing advances in prescription medications, including breakthrough medications for hepatitis C, prostate cancer, multiple sclerosis, cystic fibrosis, and sickle cell anemia, to name a few.Continue reading →
5 Benefits of a Sports PhysicalFeb 04, 2022More than 70% of kids between the ages of 6 and 12 participate in team or individual sports. Once they enter high school, almost 8 million teens engage in organized sports.Continue reading →
Wound Care: How Compression Wrapping HelpsFeb 04, 2022Most minor cuts and abrasions can be treated at home with antibiotic ointment, banadages, and good hygiene. But deep or open wounds need expert medical care from a professional trained to identify and treat infections, ulcerations, and gangrene ...Continue reading →
Immigration Vaccination RequirementsFeb 04, 2022One of the most important parts of your journey to becoming a United State citizen is your immigration exam and physical. Everyone seeking citizenship is required to have a physical exam to ensure public health.Continue reading →
Why Is STD Testing Important?Feb 04, 2022Sex should bring you pleasure and joy, not fear of infection. Unfortunately, intimate physical contact carries the risk of disease, as bacteria and viruses pass back and forth between partners.Continue reading →
The Benefits of an Urgent Care PharmacyFeb 04, 2022When you go to an urgent care facility, it means you have a problem that can’t wait. So, why undo all the good of speedy care by driving to another location and waiting in line to get your medicine?Continue reading →
Different Types of Employment PhysicalsFeb 04, 2022In addition to education, experience, and a pristine background check, certain jobs require a clean bill of health. Employment physicals protect you from harm on the job,...Continue reading →
What to Expect During Your Sports PhysicalFeb 04, 2022Kids and adults alike should undergo a sports physical to make sure they’re ready for the season. In fact, in some schools and organizations, a sports physical is required for participation, including public and private schools in Texas.Continue reading →
Who Needs a Closed Reduction With a Broken Bone?Feb 04, 2022Extreme trauma can snap a bone with such force that it rips through your skin. The broken end protrudes past your limb and leaves no question that this is an emergency.Continue reading →
The Benefits of an On-Site PharmacyFeb 04, 2022When you visit us at Calvary Urgent Care in Humble, Texas, chances are you’re feeling pretty miserable. Whether you or someone you love has had an accident or is suffering from an illness that couldn’t wait days or weeks for a regular doctor appointment...Continue reading →
Signs Your Wound Is Getting WorseFeb 04, 2022Most of the time, your skin protects you from the environment, keeps bugs and bacteria at bay, and holds your insides in. But once that barrier is breached, all bets are off. Blood comes out, pathogens get in, and infection sets up shop.Continue reading →
What Happens at a DOT Physical?Feb 04, 2022When you drive for a living, you carry a great responsibility. Whether you’re hauling precious lives or dangerous materials, the safety of everyone on the road rides on your ability to get from point A to point B without a hitch.Continue reading →
When to Seek Medical Care for a WoundFeb 04, 2022Your skin takes a lot of abuse as it protects your insides from the outside world. It withstands bumps and bruises, burns and bug bites, but when you cut it open, all bets are off.Continue reading →
Smart Questions to Ask Your PharmacistFeb 04, 2022Who do you go to for medical advice? Your doctor? Of course. Your chiropractor or physical therapist? Sure. Maybe even your acupuncturist. But you might be leaving one of the richest resources off that list — your pharmacist.Continue reading →
First Sports Physical? We Have You CoveredFeb 04, 2022If your child has chosen to play organized sports, congratulations! They are in for a lifetime of healthy exercise and valuable life lessons. But if they’re not prepared physically for the rigors of their particular sportContinue reading →
What to Expect During a Drug TestFeb 04, 2022Airline pilots, truck drivers, college athletes, forklift operators, and new employees are just a few of the people groups routinely required to undergo a drug test.Continue reading →
Positive Pregnancy Test: When Do I See a Doctor?Feb 04, 2022At-home pregnancy tests are a great way to find out whether you’re about to be a mom. You can take the test whenever you want, wherever you want, on your own terms. You might choose to be alone, just you and your partner, or with your whole family gatheredContinue reading →
Why You Should Never Let High Blood Pressure Go UntreatedFeb 04, 2022High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, can sneak up on you. It doesn’t have early warning signs to alert you of coming danger. Most people don’t experience symptoms until the condition has progressed.Continue reading →
Vaccines and Boosters Every Adult Should HaveFeb 04, 2022Vaccines are the best way to protect yourself and your family from getting life-threatening illnesses, and modern medicine has made many of those diseases extinct, or at least rare.Continue reading →
Who Should Be Tested for STDs and How Often?Feb 04, 2022STD (sexually transmitted disease) statistics are startling and should be taken as a warning to get tested. According to the American Sexual Health Association, every year around 20 million new STD cases are diagnosed in the United States.Continue reading →
5 Important Tips for Staying Healthy While TravelingFeb 04, 2022One in 3 Americans travels during the holiday season. Whether you’re taking a winter vacation or you’re visiting family, it’s a busy time of year and there’s a good chance you’re packing your bags.Continue reading →
Control Your Blood Sugar to Prevent ComplicationsFeb 04, 2022Did you know that even if you don’t have diabetes you can have uncontrolled blood sugar that may lead to serious health complications? And for those with diabetes, the stakes are even higher.Continue reading →