
Can I Have a Broken Bone Without Feeling It?

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Can I Have a Broken Bone Without Feeling It?

Broken bones happen for many reasons and are often the result of an injury. A trip and fall could cause an ankle fracture, while osteoporosis sometimes leads to vertebral fractures in the spine.

Most people with a traumatic fracture know they have it immediately due to pain and other obvious symptoms. However, not all broken bones are as prominent, so the Calvary Urgent Care team offers diagnostic studies like X-rays.

Dr. Joseph Goin and his team provide urgent care treatments at the practice in Humble, Texas. If you suspect a broken bone, it's vital to seek treatment right away to avoid pain and other complications.

Signs of a broken bone

A broken bone occurs when an outside force puts too much pressure on it, causing it to break in one or more spots. Sports injuries, car accidents, and other trauma can cause bone fractures.

Symptoms of a fracture are similar throughout the body. However, there may be some subtle differences with various bones. The prevalent signs and symptoms of a broken bone include:

  • Severe pain
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Deformity
  • Bruising
  • Decreased movement

Fracture symptoms can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the type of injury. They're also worse when they affect weight-bearing bones like the hips, legs, or feet.

Will I know if I have a fracture?

Most people know when they break a bone, mainly if it occurs from trauma. For example, falling and breaking an ankle produces severe pain, immediate swelling, and bruising that indicate a fracture.

However, not all broken bones create the same symptoms. Tiny fractures in your feet or spine don't always produce noticeable symptoms. They may feel like a bruise or sprain if symptoms do show up. These signs don't always trigger someone to seek treatment.

Osteoporosis causes weak bones to break easily, even without much effort. Spine fractures are prevalent with osteoporosis and may only present as back pain. Not all people with back pain have broken bones, so it's difficult to diagnose from symptoms alone.

The only surefire way to determine if you have a broken bone is with professional imaging. We offer onsite X-rays to do this.

Reasons you may miss a fracture

Although many people know they broke a bone, not everyone is so lucky. Some fractures don't produce symptoms to indicate a need for treatment. Reasons you may miss a broken bone include:


Osteoporosis is a disease that affects older adults. It causes the bones to weaken, increasing the risk of fractures. It is common for people with osteoporosis to experience a fracture.

Unfortunately, fractures from osteoporosis don't always exhibit traditional symptoms, making it easy to miss until you have an imaging study.


The location of the fracture may also make it difficult to tell if you have an injury. Broken bones in non-weight-bearing areas, especially minor ones, are hard to self-diagnose.

Symptoms mimic other issues

Some fractures mimic symptoms of sprains and strains. If you suspect a sprain or strain, you're not as likely to seek professional treatment.

High pain tolerance

People who have a high pain tolerance may miss a fracture because they don't find it highly uncomfortable, which is especially true for mild fractures in non-weight-bearing areas.

Minor break

A small crack in the bone doesn't always exhibit the traditional symptoms of a broken bone. Many people mistake a minor break for a bone bruise or other injury.

To schedule an appointment for a broken bone today, call Calvary Urgent Care in Humble, Texas, to schedule an appointment or request a consultation on our website.